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Love God. Love People.

Join us at 9:30am on Sunday Mornings

Mission Statement

Our mission is to make mature young disciples that glorify God as God. We seek to partner with families to equip our teenagers to cultivate deep trust in Christ that establishes a world view based on Biblical thinking, godly virtues, healthy relationships, and abundant life as God purposes it to be.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10 (NASB)

The verse of John 10:10 speaks of two very relevant truths that come from the mouth of the Son of God! They are to be heard, believed, and proclaimed throughout the world; beginning within our families and congregation. There is an enemy that is out to steal, kill, and destroy lives. He is efficient and effective. Therefore, God’s people must live from the truth that the Author of all life came that His people would have abundant life which only He makes possible.

The adolescent years of life can be amazing, confusing, wonderful, frustrating, fun, and periodically contentious. As teenagers begin to make the transition from being wholly dependent upon parents to finding their own individuality and responsibility they are experiencing physiological changes which have an impact on them emotionally and intellectually. The Woodland West youth and family ministry believes that the healthiest path to navigate those changes in life is the path of faith in Christ. This means that developing a spiritual foundation of faith within the lives of teenagers is imperative to what God calls the church to do. We not only understand the challenges of being a teen but also of being the parent, guardian, and grandparent of teenagers.

The goal of our youth ministry is to strive to engage in situations where God will work in and through our lives. Some of the situations that we believe that God works through are teaching, relationships, worship, service, and fun. Bible classes are a foundational aspect of the ministry. Participation in song and hearing the Word preached engage the hearts and minds of teenagers and adults alike in honoring God as God. There is also an abundance of teaching in the Scriptures that shows that God cares about our relationships with Himself, one another, and with the sin-sick world around us. In addition to worshiping Him on a regular basis, serving people is a vital aspect of the abundant life that Christ came to provide. The youth ministry also values healthy fun as a gift that God has given us to enjoy as we grow together into the image of His Son.


Below, are see some of the events we do each year.
We would love for you to join us on some or all of these events.

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